Abstract Paper

Journal of Functional Materials and Bio-molecules

Title : Antiulcerative Property of Bacillus subtilis against Vibrio harveyi, A Bacterial Pathogen of Labeo rohita (Rohu Fish)
Author(s) : M. Anitha and A. Jayaprakash
Article Information : Volume 3 - Issue 1 (June-2019) , pp 5–7

Abstract :

This study evaluated the antiulcerative property of Bacillus subtilis against Vibrio harveyi, a bacterial pathogen of Labeo rohita (Rohu Fish). About 3 fishes per group namely Normal and Induced (V. harveyi infected) were reared in 10 L tanks with continuous aeration. About 75 μL of V. harveyi bacterial suspension was injected using 1 mL insulin syringes intramuscularly in separate tanks. About 50 μL of bacterial suspension of Bacillus subtilis was injected in the ulcerative fish (Treated group) using 1 mL insulin syringes intramuscularly in separate tanks and analyzed for its antiulcerative property by histopathology. The small intestine of the Normal fish showed cylindrical and columnar epithelium, sub mucosa and serosa showed normal organization of intestine. Histopathology of the Induced group showed disintegration of the cell wall and shrinkage of columnar epithelial cells due to Vibrio harveyi. The treated group showed less damaged cell wall of the intestine columnar epithelium (EC), sub mucosa (SM) and Serosa. Hence, Bacillus subtilis can be used for treating the ulcerative lesions of Labeo rohita in near future.

Keywords : Antiulcerative property, Bacillus subtilis, Probiotic, Vibrio harveyi, Histopathology
Document Type : Research Paper
Publication date : July 17, 2019